
The Massachusetts Lodge of Research began in 2008 under the leadership of R.W. George Bibilos and the support of the then Grand Master, M.W. Roger Pageau. Early on, its focus was strictly on historical research, but being created right on the cusp of mass digitization of records, and exciting new advances in technology for both research and organizational purposes, the focus has generalized towards all well developed and carefully sourced knowledge that may be of use to the Craft.

In the following years, the lodge has flourished by always meeting in a different part of the state, gaining interest from local masons, and out of state brethren, and continuing it’s mission to spread light and expose brethren to history, philosophy, practices, technology and any other topic that pertains to the past, present and future of the Craft.

Past Masters of the Massachusetts Lodge of Research

R.W. George J. Bibilos 2008-2010
Wor. John P. Soderblom 2010-2011
R.W. Graeme H. Marsden 2011-2012
Wor. James J. Bennette 2012-2013
Wor. Robert H. Brown 2013-2014
Wor. Daniel R. Kilpatrick 2014-2015
Wor. Frank J. Kautz, II 2015-2016

R.W. Heath L. VerBurg 2016-2017
Wor. Scott M. Sherman 2017-2018
Wor. David E. Olson 2018-2019
Wor. Donald E. Hohler, Jr. 2019-2020
R.W. William E. Cheetham 2020-2021
R.W. Michael J. Jarzabek 2021-2023
R.W. Donald S. Stevens 2023-2024

“The doorstep to the temple of wisdom
is a knowledge of our own ignorance”

— Benjamin Franklin